Tim Mayall

Tim Mayall, PhD

Vice President of Translational Development

Timothy Mayall, Ph.D., is the Vice President of Translational Development at BlueSphere Bio. Dr Mayall came from F1 Oncology where, as the Head of Process Development, he was responsible for the development of their adoptive immunotherapy products and cell manufacturing process. He led the development of a lentivirus vector production platform and the adoption of this and the cell manufacturing process at their Chinese manufacturing plants supporting two Ph1 clinical trials.

Prior to F1 Oncology, he was Senior Director of Research and Development at PaxVax Inc. Joining the early PaxVax team as Senior Director of Molecular Biology and Virology, he was responsible for the development of their adenovirus, type 4 platform for the development of vaccines against pandemic flu, anthrax, and HIV. He was involved in the INDs for all three programs as well as a supporting master file for vaccine manufacture using A549 cells and supported the efforts to reintroduce a cholera vaccine. Before PaxVax, Dr Mayall worked for Canji Inc., a former Schering-Plough subsidiary, for many years in molecular biology focusing on transcriptional regulation including early work on molecular switches and methods for adenovirus library construction. As one of the final members of the company, he worked on next generation replication-defective virus for the treatment of bladder cancer.

Dr Mayall came to San Diego to do his postdoctoral studies and later to be a staff scientist at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla. Dr Mayall earned his BSc. (Hons) in Biochemistry from the University of Leeds before going on to be awarded a Ph.D. in molecular biology from the University of London, United Kingdom.